Oregon Genealogical Society
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Saturday, February 15
Class canceled: Transcribing & Extracting Document Information (Hybrid class)  (Education)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
HYBRID: OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom

One of the best tips I received was to transcribe and extract the data in the genealogy documents I use in my research. Whether it is a handwritten or typed document, a newspaper article, or information in a periodical or book, you gain more information from it when you transcribe and extract the data. This class will demonstrate the difference between transcribing, abstracting, and extracting information and how to do it by hand, on a computer, and using artificial intelligence.
The class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following the class.
Instructor: Dawn Carlile 

Class fee: $10 for OGS members and $15 for nonmembers

Saturday, February 22
February Lunch & Learn (Meets In-Person)  (Education)
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR
This monthly educational and social gathering by OGS is open to OGS members and the public. We start at 11:00 am Pacific with a roundtable discussion with attendees sharing their knowledge about the topic. A potluck salad and dessert lunch at noon will be followed by an education program from 1:00 - 2:00 pm Pacific. We meet in person in the OGS Annex at 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, next to our library.
11:00 am  Round Table Discussion Topic: Family Search Labs Full-text Search Tool (Dawn Carlile)
12:00 pm  Potluck Salad and Dessert lunch - Members donate a salad or dessert for the lunch or you may bring your own sack lunch and beverage. Coffee, hot tea, cups, plates, napkins, and utensils are provided. If you have a special diet, then feel free to bring your own lunch. (We ask for a suggested donation of $5.00 to cover the cost of supplies and meeting room rent.)
  1:00 pm  Program: Joe Blakely, Oregon Historian & Author
Joe will give a quick description of all his books
, then discuss his book on "Eugene's Civic Stadium," and finish with his latest book about Eugene's Saturday Market.

Saturday, March 8
Finding Female Ancestors (Hybrid class)  (Education)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
HYBRID: OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom
Description coming soon.
The class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following the class.
Instructor: Linda Aubrey 

Class fee: $10 for OGS members and $15 for nonmembers
Register here to attend on Zoom  OR  to attend in person, then mail your check to OGS, 955 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401-3148. If you would like to pay with a credit card, please call 541-517-0984.