Oregon Genealogical Society

OGS is a FamilySearch Affiliate Library 
The Oregon Genealogical Society is a FamilySearch Affiliate Library which means you can access online records that are not available from home at our library on one of our patron computers or bring your laptop to the library. Most of the records that have a camera icon with the key above are accessible at the OGS Library.
Upcoming Classes - check the calendar for the details
 2/15  Canceled: Transcribing & Extracting Document Information (Hybrid class) 10 am - 12 pm PT
 3/08  Finding Female Ancestors (Hybrid class) 10 am - 12 pm PT 
 3/15   Accessing Free Digital Collections for Genealogy Research (Hybrid class) 10 am - 12 pm PT
 4/19  Clustering Your DNA Matches - Advanced (Hybrid class) 10 am - 12 pm PT
LUNCH & LEARN - Meets In-Person 
Saturday, February 22, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm PT
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR (next to the OGS Library)
11:00 am Roundtable Discussion Topic: FamilySearch Labs Full-Text Search (Dawn Carlile) 
12:00 pm Potluck salad and dessert lunch
  1:00 pm Program: 
Joe Blakely, Oregon Historian & Author
Friday, March 7, 3:00 - 4:00 pm PT
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR
OGS Writers' Group is on hiatus.
Scandinavian Research SIG is on hiatus.
The Oregon Genealogical Society is on Facebook. Click on the blue square (the ) at the bottom right to go directly to our official society Facebook page and follow us there.
Oregon Genealogical Society Sharing Forum
Join our Facebook Sharing Forum to share genealogy stories, new websites you have found, new or interesting tips to pass along to others, and connect and share info with others researching your family. This site is for all things related to genealogy. It is meant to be fun and educational. The OGS Sharing Forum is open to all people who are interested in genealogy or who have Oregon ancestors.

OGS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.  Make your tax-deductible donation now.

February 15
Class canceled: Transcribing & Extracting Document Information (Hybrid class)
One of the best tips I received was to transcribe and extract the data in the genealogy documents I ...
February 22
February Lunch & Learn (Meets In-Person)
  This monthly educational and social gathering by OGS is open to OGS members and the public. We start at 11:00 am Pacific with ...
March 8
Finding Female Ancestors (Hybrid class)
Description coming soon. The class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following ...
March 15
Accessing Free Digital Collections for Genealogy Research (Hybrid class)
There are many libraries, archives, universities, genealogical and historical societies with online digital collections that you may access for ...
April 19
Clustering Your DNA Matches - Advanced (Hybrid class)
  Description coming soon! The class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks ...
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