Oregon Genealogical Society
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Friday, September 20
Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Group  (Special Interest Groups)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR
Chapter 8: Research Planning with DNA
Additional Material: RLP 247, 187, 177, 116, 83, 6
We will have our Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Group on the third Friday of the month at 3pm in the OGS Library Annex. A proposed schedule for the year is below.
I've included several Research Like a Pro podcasts that you can listen to for content relevant to each chapter of the book. These can be found on YouTube, iTunes, or whatever app you use to listen to podcasts.
I've also listed audio/video presentations with additional useful information. These can also be found on YouTube. Below are links for the RLP with DNA book if you haven't already purchased one.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Bob McDonald

Saturday, September 21
Beginning Genealogy (Hybrid class)  (Education)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
HYBRID: OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom
If you are just starting to research your family or maybe you worked on it years ago and would like a refresher class, either way, this class is for you. Learn where to start, where to look for records you need, what forms to use and how to fill them out, websites to use and much more. This class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following the class. Instructor: Linda Aubrey

Class fee: $10 for OGS members and $15 for nonmembers
Register here: attend on Zoom    OR     attend in person, then mail your check to OGS, 955 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401-3148. If you would like to pay with a credit card, please call 541-517-0984.

Saturday, September 28
September Lunch & Learn (Meets In-Person)  (Education)
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR
This monthly educational and social gathering by OGS is open to OGS members and the public. We start at 11:00 am Pacific with a roundtable discussion with attendees sharing their knowledge about the topic. A potluck salad and dessert lunch at noon will be followed by an education program from 1:00 - 2:00 pm Pacific. We meet in person in the OGS Annex at 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, next to our library.
11:00 am  Round Table Discussion Topic: Navigating maritime research with ShipIndex.org (Peter McCracken) 
Dive into the world of maritime history with renowned expert Peter McCracken, co-founder of ShipIndex.org, in an exciting, informative session, tailored to both amateur and seasoned researchers alike, that will navigate you through the vast ocean of maritime historical research. Peter will guide you through the process of uncovering historical ship records, maritime voyages, and personal narratives, and how these can add depth and richness to your genealogical studies. Using the extensive resources of ShipIndex.org as a primary focus, he’ll demonstrate how to leverage its unique citation database to locate and learn about specific vessels, their voyages, and the people they carried.

But the journey won’t stop there. Peter will also explore other tools and techniques to further your maritime research, casting a wide net to ensure no stone is left unturned in your search for seafaring ancestors and maritime connections. Don’t miss this chance to deepen your understanding of maritime history research, uncover new resources, and add a new dimension to your genealogical investigations. Sail into the past with us and explore your history like never before.

Peter McCracken is co-founder and publisher of ShipIndex.org. He holds a Masters in Library Science and a Masters in Maritime History, and has worked as a reference librarian at East Carolina University and the University of Washington. In 2000, he co-founded Serials Solutions with his brothers and a high school friend; the company was acquired by ProQuest in 2004. Since 2016 he has been Electronic Resources Librarian at Cornell University. McCracken has written a quarterly column on “Maritime History on the Internet” in Sea History magazine since 2004; in 2014 he received a Sea History Award of Appreciation for this work. In 2012 he received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of North Carolina School of Information & Library Science, and in 2011 he received the ALCTS Ulrich’s Serials Librarianship Award.

12:00 pm  Potluck Salad and Dessert lunch - Members donate a salad or dessert for the lunch or you may bring your own sack lunch and beverage. Coffee, hot tea, cups, plates, napkins, and utensils are provided. If you have a special diet, then feel free to bring your own lunch. (We ask for a suggested donation of $5.00 to cover the cost of supplies and meeting room rent.)
  1:00 pm  Program: The Colonial Dames – Meri Taylor, National Society of The Colonial Dames in Oregon  

Friday, October 4
DNA SIG  (Special Interest Groups)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR
The DNA Special Interest Group meets on the first Friday of each month in the OGS Annex. It is open to members and the public. Bring whatever DNA questions you have to the meeting. It is a place for anyone with questions about how or where to find information can come together and help each other. If you are not able to attend but have questions, please email us

Saturday, October 5
World War I and World War II Records (Hybrid class)  (Education)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
HYBRID: OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom
This class will cover Military Records generated during World War I & World War II, where you might find them and how to get copies of them, and what you can learn from public records and different repositories. This class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following the class.

Instructor: Linda Aubrey
Class fee: $10 for OGS members and $15 for nonmembers
Register here: attend on Zoom    OR     attend in person, then mail your check to OGS, 955 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401-3148. If you would like to pay with a credit card, please call 541-517-0984.

Saturday, October 5
Using Land Records to Fill in the Blanks (Hybrid class)  (Education)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
HYBRID: OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom
Learn how researching land records can provide valuable information on your ancestors from where the land was located, how wealthy they might have been, confirm familial relationships, and identify neighbors. Covers Federal land states vs State land states, township and range systems, and metes and bounds. This class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following the class. 

Instructor: Dawn Carlile
Class fee: $10 for OGS members and $15 for nonmembers
Register here: attend on Zoom    OR     attend in person, then mail your check to OGS, 955 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401-3148. If you would like to pay with a credit card, please call 541-517-0984.

Saturday, October 12
Indoor Garage Sale  (Special Events)
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401
Our Indoor Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, October 12th & 13th.
The hours are 9 AM - 4 PM on Saturday and 11 AM - 4 PM on Sunday.
We will have an assortment of household goods and much more. Check back in October to see a list of categories of items for sale.
If you have any items to donate, you may bring them to the library between 10 am and 2 pm Wed., Fri., & Sat.  Ask your family, friends, and neighbors if they have items to donate. OGS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit so their donation is tax deductible. 

Sunday, October 13
Indoor Garage Sale  (Special Events)
11:00 am to 4:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401
Our Indoor Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, October 12th & 13th. The hours are 9 AM - 4 PM on Saturday and 11 AM - 4 PM on Sunday.
We will have an assortment of household goods and much more. Check back in October to see a list of categories of items for sale.
If you have any items to donate, you may bring them to the library between 10 am and 2 pm Wed., Fri., & Sat.  Ask your family, friends, and neighbors if they have items to donate. OGS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit so their donation is tax deductible. 

Friday, October 18
Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Group  (Special Interest Groups)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR
Chapter 9: Research Logs & Writing as You Go
Additional Material: RLP 248, 189, 190, 178, 118, 88-89, 59, 8
We will have our Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Group on the third Friday of the month at 3pm in the OGS Library Annex. A proposed schedule for the year is below.
I've included several Research Like a Pro podcasts that you can listen to for content relevant to each chapter of the book. These can be found on YouTube, iTunes, or whatever app you use to listen to podcasts.
I've also listed audio/video presentations with additional useful information. These can also be found on YouTube. Below are links for the RLP with DNA book if you haven't already purchased one.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Bob McDonald

Saturday, October 19
Roots & Robots: Integrating AI into Your Genealogy Research (Hybrid class)  (Education)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
HYBRID: OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom
We’ll review of what AI is and where you can access it, for free or otherwise. What genealogy tasks do you use it for, and how do you make it do what you want (prompt writing)? There will be lots of examples shown. The class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following the class. Instructors: Linda Forrest and Dawn Carlile 

Class fee: $10 for OGS members and $15 for nonmembers
Register here: attend on Zoom    OR     attend in person, then mail your check to OGS, 955 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401-3148. If you would like to pay with a credit card, please call 541-517-0984.

Friday, November 1
DNA SIG  (Special Interest Groups)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR
The DNA Special Interest Group meets on the first Friday of each month in the OGS Annex. It is open to members and the public. Bring whatever DNA questions you have to the meeting. It is a place for anyone with questions about how or where to find information can come together and help each other. If you are not able to attend but have questions, please email us

Friday, November 15
Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Group  (Special Interest Groups)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR
Chapter 9: Correlation Findings & Finishing the Research Report
Additional Material: RLP 249, 179, 125-127, 119, 9
We will have our Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Group on the third Friday of the month at 3pm in the OGS Library Annex. A proposed schedule for the year is below.
I've included several Research Like a Pro podcasts that you can listen to for content relevant to each chapter of the book. These can be found on YouTube, iTunes, or whatever app you use to listen to podcasts.
I've also listed audio/video presentations with additional useful information. These can also be found on YouTube. Below are links for the RLP with DNA book if you haven't already purchased one.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Bob McDonald

Friday, December 6
DNA SIG  (Special Interest Groups)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR
The DNA Special Interest Group meets on the first Friday of each month in the OGS Annex. It is open to members and the public. Bring whatever DNA questions you have to the meeting. It is a place for anyone with questions about how or where to find information can come together and help each other. If you are not able to attend but have questions, please email us

Friday, December 20
Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Group  (Special Interest Groups)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR
Chapter 9: What's Next? Publishing, Productivity, and Further Education
Additional Material: RLP 250, 109, 97
We will have our Research Like a Pro with DNA Study Group on the third Friday of the month at 3pm in the OGS Library Annex. A proposed schedule for the year is below.
I've included several Research Like a Pro podcasts that you can listen to for content relevant to each chapter of the book. These can be found on YouTube, iTunes, or whatever app you use to listen to podcasts.
I've also listed audio/video presentations with additional useful information. These can also be found on YouTube. Below are links for the RLP with DNA book if you haven't already purchased one.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Bob McDonald