Oregon Genealogical Society
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Saturday, January 18
Map to the Future (Hybrid class)  (Education)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
HYBRID: OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom

A discussion of how maps change over time & the impact of these changes on genealogical research. Review the purpose and use of maps. Gain an understanding of maps in a historical context. Learn how maps can help in preparing a genealogical proof.
The class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following the class.
Instructor: Bob McDonald 

Class fee: $10 for OGS members and $15 for nonmembers
Register here to attend on Zoom  OR  to attend in person, then mail your check to OGS, 955 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401-3148. If you would like to pay with a credit card, please call 541-517-0984.

Saturday, January 25
January Lunch & Learn (Meets In-Person)  (Education)
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR
This monthly educational and social gathering by OGS is open to OGS members and the public. We start at 11:00 am Pacific with a roundtable discussion with attendees sharing their knowledge about the topic. A potluck salad and dessert lunch at noon will be followed by an education program from 1:00 - 2:00 pm Pacific. We meet in person in the OGS Annex at 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, next to our library.
11:00 am  Round Table Discussion Topic: Jump Start Genealogy - Start Something New (Open Discussion) 
12:00 pm  Potluck Salad and Dessert lunch - Members donate a salad or dessert for the lunch or you may bring your own sack lunch and beverage. Coffee, hot tea, cups, plates, napkins, and utensils are provided. If you have a special diet, then feel free to bring your own lunch. (We ask for a suggested donation of $5.00 to cover the cost of supplies and meeting room rent.)
  1:00 pm  Program: AncestryDNA Ethnicity Update & the Ancestry Pro Tools (Bob McDonald)

Saturday, February 1
Clustering Your DNA Matches - Beginning (Hybrid class)  (Education)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
HYBRID: OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom
Description coming soon!
The class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following the class.
Instructor: Linda Forrest 

Class fee: $10 for OGS members and $15 for nonmembers
Register here to attend on Zoom  OR  to attend in person, then mail your check to OGS, 955 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401-3148. If you would like to pay with a credit card, please call 541-517-0984.

Saturday, February 8
OGS Half-Day Hybrid Seminar  (Seminars)
10:00 am to 12:30 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom
Someone Stole My Family
If, in genealogy, you follow a common name, such as Graham, you might stumble across other people by that name. It might seem that they are part of the same family, but you need to be careful with your research. In Dorothy’s case with her Grahams, she found two incidents where this happened. In the first case, a historian for a town in New Hampshire decided to marry her ancestor to another woman and a set of children who are part of her family but not his. In the second case, a person applying for a Revolutionary War lineage thought his family was the one in the Battle of Bunker Hill, even if the patriot didn’t live in Peterborough, New Hampshire.
Use of DNA to Verify a Family Tree 
Using the various tools of genealogy as well as biological evidence, Dorothy will show you how she established both historical proof and autosomal and Y-chromosome DNA evidence to connect her John Graham (before 1730-before l1787) of Hancock, NH to her Coltrin-Graham family.

Recordings of both sessions will be available for viewing for two weeks following the seminar.
Registration:    OGS Members  $20        Nonmembers  $25

You may attend virtually via Zoom or in-person. We will have seating available for 24 people to attend in person at the OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401, next to the OGS library.

Coffee, tea, and ice water will be available in the Annex.

Meet our speaker:
Dorothy Coltrin is a genealogist living in Boulder, Colorado, with 20 years of experience researching her family, teaching, lecturing, and writing. She is a member of the New England Historic and Genealogical Society, W.I.S.E. Family History Society, Boulder Genealogical Society, New Hampshire Historical Society & Daughters of the American Revolution. Dorothy is the administrator of the Coltrain Surname Project at FamilyTreeDNA.​ She has a BS & MS in Nutritional Biology from the University of California and was a California community college instructor for 30 years. 

Registration Form

Saturday, February 15
Transcribing & Extracting Document Information (Hybrid class)  (Education)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
HYBRID: OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom

One of the best tips I received was to transcribe and extract the data in the genealogy documents I use in my research. Whether it is a handwritten or typed document, a newspaper article, or information in a periodical or book, you gain more information from it when you transcribe and extract the data. This class will demonstrate the difference between transcribing, abstracting, and extracting information and how to do it by hand, on a computer, and using artificial intelligence.
The class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following the class.
Instructor: Dawn Carlile 

Class fee: $10 for OGS members and $15 for nonmembers
Register here to attend on Zoom  OR  to attend in person, then mail your check to OGS, 955 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401-3148. If you would like to pay with a credit card, please call 541-517-0984.

Saturday, February 22
February Lunch & Learn (Meets In-Person)  (Education)
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR
This monthly educational and social gathering by OGS is open to OGS members and the public. We start at 11:00 am Pacific with a roundtable discussion with attendees sharing their knowledge about the topic. A potluck salad and dessert lunch at noon will be followed by an education program from 1:00 - 2:00 pm Pacific. We meet in person in the OGS Annex at 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, next to our library.
11:00 am  Round Table Discussion Topic: Family Search Labs Full-text Search Tool (Dawn Carlile)
12:00 pm  Potluck Salad and Dessert lunch - Members donate a salad or dessert for the lunch or you may bring your own sack lunch and beverage. Coffee, hot tea, cups, plates, napkins, and utensils are provided. If you have a special diet, then feel free to bring your own lunch. (We ask for a suggested donation of $5.00 to cover the cost of supplies and meeting room rent.)
  1:00 pm  Program: Joe Blakely, Oregon Historian & Author
Joe will give a quick description of all his books
, then discuss his book on "Eugene's Civic Stadium," and finish with his latest book about Eugene's Saturday Market.

Saturday, March 8
Finding Female Ancestors (Hybrid class)  (Education)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
HYBRID: OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom
Description coming soon.
The class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following the class.
Instructor: Linda Aubrey 

Class fee: $10 for OGS members and $15 for nonmembers
Register here to attend on Zoom  OR  to attend in person, then mail your check to OGS, 955 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401-3148. If you would like to pay with a credit card, please call 541-517-0984.

Saturday, March 15
Accessing Free Digital Collections for Genealogy Research (Hybrid class)  (Education)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
HYBRID: OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom

There are many libraries, archives, universities, genealogical and historical societies with online digital collections that you may access for free from home. In this lecture, we will tour a variety of online sites and learn the best ways to search and research in these collections.
The class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following the class.
Instructor: Dawn Carlile 

Class fee: $10 for OGS members and $15 for nonmembers
Register here to attend on Zoom  OR  to attend in person, then mail your check to OGS, 955 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401-3148. If you would like to pay with a credit card, please call 541-517-0984.

Saturday, April 19
Clustering Your DNA Matches - Advanced (Hybrid class)  (Education)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
HYBRID: OGS Annex, 965 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR and on Zoom
Description coming soon!
The class will be recorded and available for those registered to view for two weeks following the class.
Instructor: Linda Forrest 

Class fee: $10 for OGS members and $15 for nonmembers
Register here to attend on Zoom  OR  to attend in person, then mail your check to OGS, 955 Oak Alley, Eugene, OR 97401-3148. If you would like to pay with a credit card, please call 541-517-0984.