Oregon Genealogical Society
The Oregon Genealogical Society was organized in Eugene on September 22, 1962. We have one of the largest genealogical research libraries in Oregon, housing over 10,000 reference materials for Oregon, the United States, and around the world. OGS offers Oregon Pioneer and Early Settler certificates, research services for members and the public, education opportunities with classes, workshops, two seminars each year in the spring and fall, and publishing genealogical records and material. Current projects include creating one-of-a-kind genealogical indexes and databases and indexing our vertical file materials.
The purpose of the Oregon Genealogical Society is:
  • To maintain a genealogical and historical research library in the Eugene, Oregon area.
  • To give assistance to other organizations and persons interested in genealogical research.
  • To collect, preserve and publish material of genealogical interest.
  • To present educational programs for those interested in genealogical research.

Operating Year: January - December 2025

Board of Directors
President: Dawn Carlile
Vice President: Bob J McDonald
Secretary: Darlene Boggs
Treasurer: Linda Forrest
Board Member at Large: Gary E. Mertz
Board Member at Large: Beth Bauchet
Past President: Linda Aubrey
Education: Bob J McDonald
Fundraising: Vacant
Journal: Linda Forrest
Library Coordinator: Monet Holmquist
Membership: Linda Forrest
Newsletter: Jan McKee
Outreach: Linda Aubrey
Publications: April Carey
Research: Teresa Thompson
Social Media: Elsa Joyce Rogers
Website: Dawn Carlile
Executive Committee
President: Dawn Carlile
Vice President: Bob J McDonald
Secretary: Darlene Boggs
Treasurer: Linda Forrest
Board Member at Large: Gary E. Mertz
Board Member at Large: Beth Bauchet
Past President: Linda Aubrey
Committee Chairs
Annex Coordinator: Vacant
Certificates: Teresa Thompson
Education: Bob J McDonald
Fundraising: Vacant
Journal: Linda Forrest
Library Acquisitions: Dawn Carlile
Library Book Repair: Carol Pratt
Library Cataloging: Monet Holmquist
Library Coordinator: Monet Holmquist
Library Family Newsletters: Vacant
Library Periodicals: Candice Vader
Library Surplus Books: Dawn Carlile
Library Technology: Jim Sadler
Library Vertical Files: Janine Bennett-Smith
Library Volunteer Scheduler: Monet Holmquist
Library Volunteer Training: Dawn Carlile
Membership: Linda Forrest
Newsletter: Jan McKee
Nominations: April Carey
Outreach: Linda Aubrey
Policies & Procedures: Linda Aubrey
Publications: April Carey
Publicity: Vacant
Research: Teresa Thompson
Seminar: Bob J McDonald
Social Media: Elsa Joyce Rogers
Society Historian: Vacant
Volunteer Coordinator: Beth Bauchet
Website: Dawn Carlile